PuT operating indicators

Line costing calculations are based on operational indicators. They can be divided into the following categories:

  • General indicators
  • Indicators for the measurement of transport supply
  • Indicators for the measurement of transport performance
  • Indicators for the calculation of operating costs
  • Indicators for the calculation of fare revenues
  • Indicators for vehicle requirement and line blocking (Line blocking).

The indicators are described in the indicator categories. To find out for which network objects the indicators can be calculated, refer to the file IndicatorAvailability.xls in the directory ...\Program Files\PTV Vision\PTV Visum 2023\Doc\Eng of your Visum installation.

Dependent on the indicator, different procedures have to be carried out, to calculate the indicator values. Some indicators are already available after a PuT assignment, others after the procedure PuT operating Indicators has been executed with certain settings. Furthermore, it also depends on whether indicators are calculated on the line hierarchy or for territories. The IndicatorSource.xls file, in the directory ...\Program Files\PTV Vision\PTV Visum 2023\Doc\Eng in your Visum installation, contains an overview of the indicators, the procedures used to calculate them, and the calculation settings required. The following procedures are relevant for the calculation:

  • PuT operating indicators
  • Territory indicators
  • PuT assignment
  • Line blocking

Operating indicators are based on the trips stored in the model. These are available in models for timetable-based assignments. Models that are headway-based are based on time profiles where an attribute points to the headway. The PuT operating indicators calculation can also take these supplies into account and generates a corresponding number of trips for the calculation. The extent of these trips always corresponds to the full extent of the time profile. These internally generated trips are not visible to the user and do not overwrite any existing trips at the time profiles. The skim calculations for the selected time profiles are based exclusively on the headway data.

After the calculation you will receive the same skims as with the timetable-based assignment except for:

  • Skims of the transport performance
  • Revenues based on the vehicle journey and objects below it in the line hierarchy
  • Indicators of transport performance for operators and their passenger trip-based revenues

The indicators are calculated for analysis period, analysis horizon, and analysis time intervals (provided that analysis time intervals are defined). There are however exceptions, where there is no calculation for analysis time intervals. This is characterized in the indicator table (IndicatorAvailability.xls) as follows:

  • AHP = available for analysis period and analysis horizon
  • AHPI = available for analysis time intervals, analysis period, and analysis horizon.
  • X = indicator is available but does not show a time reference